The younger sister of Louis Tomlinson is set to join Selena Gomez on tour as her make-up artist after
wowing the singer with her cosmetics skills.
Lottie Tomlinson, from Doncaster, is only 17 years old but she convinced Selena, 23, of her talents
after helping her touch up her make-up backstage at the X Factor.
But despite her youth, Lottie is something of a pop veteran having earned her stripes working
backstage with One Direction and is an Instagram sensation with 2.5 million followers.
Lottie first met Selena when she was backstage at the X Factor and asked One Direction's hair stylist
Lou Teasdale for help.
Lottie told Elle magazine: 'She came to Lou to ask her to do her hair. She had really long hair at the time, and it was
getting all knotted up.
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