Discover already is myth or truth to make warm water with lemon is good for health
"In addition to the elimination of toxins, the mixture of warm water with lemon helps to speed up metabolism and turns ingested nutrients (which would become fat), energy to be burned. Not to mention that contributes in a balanced way to control your appetite, with the recovery of the ability to send satiety message to the brain, "he adds.
Lemon juice has a chemical composition - similar to hydrochloric acid of digestive juices and saliva, which aids in the removal of toxins from the body, and also has vitamins and minerals contributes to the relief of the symptoms of indigestion, such as a burning sensation in the stomach and abdominal distension.
Warm water intakes with lemon promotes the elimination of unwanted material, stimulates the rate of times at the time of urination and thus help maintain urinary tract health. Detoxification occurs due to maximization of enzyme function stimulating liver functions.
Immune system
Vitamin C contained in the lime is closely allied to strengthen the immunity and operates in cold fighting, and has anti-inflammatory effects include potassium, which controls blood pressure and improve brain function, in addition to saponins, antimicrobial properties that help decrease the amount of phlegm produced by the body.
Balance pH levels
The lime ascorbic and citric acids are metabolized in the body and help to alkalize the blood. "The regularity of lemon with water intake acts in eliminating the body's acidity, and uric acid in the joints, considered one of the causes responsible for pain and inflammation," he says.
One of the darlings of those who want to lose weight, lemon is rich in pectin fiber, is detoxifying and anti-inflammatory factors which help inhibit the excessive desire to eat and have antioxidant properties.
* By Kelly Miyazzato | Photo Shutetrstock | Thanks to Paula Castilho, nutritionist Taste Integral Consulting Nutrition.
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