One lesser known properties of garlic is to eliminate acne. Thanks to its compounds decreases causing bacteria and removes excess sebum.
Garlic is one of the most popular spices and used in every corner of the world, characterized by having a special flavor that goes very well with hundreds of preparations.
Although since ancient times their use in food was what made it better known, garlic has also been appreciated by many medicinal properties used in the prevention and treatment of hundreds of diseases.
In its raw state, this small vegetable concentrates a significant amount of allicin, whose action in the body is antiseptic, fungicidal, bactericidal and purifying.
Moreover, it is a rich source of antioxidants that help curb the action of free radicals preventing oxidative damage.
Thanks to all these virtues, garlic has a lot to do to improve the health and beauty.
This time, we will share eight ways to use garlic to improve very interesting health and beauty. Meet them!
1. Natural Antibiotic
Antibiotics are drugs that help destroy harmful micro-organisms that attack the body in different ways.Most people prefer the conventional ones, because they seem to act faster and safer.
However, it is shown that excessive use can cause damage to health, especially because they damage the bacterial flora and decrease the body's defenses.
Garlic is one of the most potent and safe natural antibiotics that can be used as an alternative to medication, as well as being effective not change the beneficial bacteria in the body and contributes other important properties.
Do not forget to read: Natural Antibiotics: a healthy treatment available to all
2. Cardiovascular Health
Allicin, a sulfur compound that is focused when the garlic is crushed, is able to reduce total cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
These lipids improve circulation and reduce the risk of clogging of the arteries or atherosclerosis.
Moreover, to help improve blood flow, garlic also helps control blood pressure in hypertensive patients.
3. Improves digestion
Regular consumption of raw garlic protects the intestinal flora and helps regulate several important digestive processes.
Its antibiotic and antiseptic virtues act against parasites and bacteria of the gastrointestinal tract, avoiding light and chronic digestive disorders.
In fact, it is believed that eating a raw garlic every day can help prevent colon cancer.
4. It strengthens the body's defenses
Thanks to this, the body increases the immune response and prevent the entry of bacteria and viruses harmful to health.
5. Against Acne
The antimicrobial benefits of garlic, added to its sulfur compounds, have a positive effect on skin types, which tend to suffer from different degrees of acne.The application of a crushed garlic paste reduces bacteria that cause this condition of the skin and also helps rid it of excess fat.
6. anti-wrinkle effect
The concentration of antioxidant compounds in garlic helps to inhibit the negative effects of free radicals on the skin, a major cause of premature aging.
Although its smell is often not the most pleasant to be applied topically, it pays to use its mass for such benefits. In addition, through their daily consumption can also protect the skin from the inside out.
7. Against fungus and dandruff
Fungi affect the health and beauty. They may appear on the hands and feet, but also in other areas of the body.
Dandruff, for example, is produced by a type of fungus that lives on the scalp. Fortunately, in all these cases they can be eliminated by antiseptic and antifungal activity of garlic.
8. Strong Nails
The application of garlic on the surface of the nails can help strengthen them to avoid their breakage and dryness.
Best of all is that its antibiotic action helps prevent the formation of mold, and its taste can be very useful to take the intention of those who gnaw.
Just break it in half and rub it twice a day on all nails.
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