The vice president of the Association of Nutritionists Grace Raymond explained to Lusa that the fall in consumption of skimmed milk may be due to an option of the population semi-skimmed milk, recommended alternative to adulthood.
"If we persist in a systematic ingestion of a higher calorific value and a higher amount of saturated fats after some time we will have the results. The skim milk is about 30 kilocalories per 100 milliliters while whole milk has about 60 per 100 milliliters. The semi-skimmed is about 45. In nutritional terms, the amount of protein and the amount of carbohydrates is equal, "cautioned Grace Raymond Lusa, asked about the benefits or harms of whole milk in the context of a possible drop in consumption.
The page of the Health General Directorate on healthy eating recalls that milk is a "high nutritional value food [and] presents interesting amounts of vitamins and minerals", especially vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium and phosphor.
"The adult population and even young people need not drink milk fat can be replaced with semi-skimmed milk, which, in nutritional terms, it becomes more appropriate, because the milk fat, although it is a fat digestible, is an animal fat and has implications in cardiovascular disease, "said the leader of the Association of Nutritionists.
In a text written Lusa, the professor of the Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences, University of Porto (FCNAUP) Pedro Moreira said, "contrary to what is often thought, not everything is bad in milk fat and a fraction fat components are of great interest in human nutrition since the fat-soluble vitamins (for their contents, especially vitamins a and E), to the components themselves are of course this fat ".
"Although we have a contrary idea, milk consumption may not necessarily be a factor that increases the risk of coronary heart disease and may even, in the case of intake of milk with lower fat content, consumption appears associated with a lower risk of stroke, "said Pedro Moreira, pointing out the differences between dairy products like butter or cheese.
The vice president of the Association of Nutritionists pointed out that as there may be differences between the different levels of fat is the level of fat soluble vitamins, which means that when you remove the fat milk, fat-soluble vitamins "will ultimately not be present" or are fewer, and are important for humans in terms of growth and formation of bone.
Raimundo alert that also grace the "study echoes" linking milk to various diseases can have an impact on milk consumption in general, directing people to soy beverages, almond or rice, that, "in order incorrect, the population draws milk. "
"What is important for people to realize is that within these options there are options that are more expensive than the milk itself," said Grace Raymond, on the one hand, while on the other, the milk is "very rich in protein terms and proteins are of high biological value because they have all the essential amino acids. "
The nutritionist warned of another question: "What is important that people realize it is also the fact that these vegetable drinks have not saturated fats does not mean they are free of fat and there is sometimes confusion between the quality of fat and the amount fat ".
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